Day 01 - COVID 19-day Pickleball Fitness Challenge with Phil Lamoreaux

I don’t know about that :smiley: but thanks! I just don’t like unfinished business. Even if it’s just a competition with myself.

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@Sandy1965 I love these drills because of the fact that it’s not super demanding, but it really does get my heart rate up! I love that you went back and did these drills. You have been awesome during this challenge!!


Thank you! I needed something other than my regular routine, and this has been great!

OK - Back at it with a few more modifications so I don’t blow out my knees. Day 1 done (again) - and on a pickleball court. Much more motivating than running around my condo! If at first I don’t succeed, try try again, and again, and again…

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Way to go Shirley! That is awesome! I would focus on the modifications in order to save those knees!