Pickleball Players upset when I put ball away (former tennis player)

I have only been playing pickleball two months and was a 4.5 tennis player 5 years ago. A few players are really upset because I put the ball away with hard shots like I did in tennis and I guess it’s scary to them. I never hit any one and it really upsets me because it comes natural to me and it’s to the point I’m considering trying to slow down just to not upset people. It’s keeping me up at night and taking a lot of the joy out of it. I was so excited to play as my health has not been great since I quit tennis.

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Hi Laurie. I wanted to give you some encouragement! There are many of us tennis players in the same boat, not able to play high level anymore and finding a new challenge/passion with pickleball. I have played with many groups over the last few years & I really do feel like it gets better and better. You’re able to work on the precision shots, making points longer when they can’t handle the heat. Keep playing with a variety of people and you’ll get into some fire battles that are so fulfilling! I love how this sport gives me an ab workout from laughing at the crazy things that happen. It sounds like you need to play with me :laughing:
Where do you live?
Sarah from Utah

Laurie, your style of play is the way pickleball is going. (So long as you do learn how to dink and reset well, too.)

There are some “purists” who want the sport to stay JUST a soft game. Anyone who watches the Pros can see the game is speeding up … and the soft handed players still have an advantage.

Have fun!

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