What is proper paddle stack etiquette

Was playing a foursome with nice folks and wanted to resume with same players so I walked over to stack the four paddles. There was one paddle present. He had just come off the most preferred court and in fact had been hogging it for three games. I signaled to my players that we were taking the good court,. Three other courts were open, and my reasoning was that when he got three other players he could then pick his court. But he jumped into the court we were now on and assumed player position. I said politely that we already had a foursome and he said you can’t bump me because my paddle was down first. Very obnoxious fellow.
What say you picklers? In this situation does he get first pick of the courts with only one paddle down? Can he prevent others from playing on “his” court if there are three other open courts waiting to be used? How would you have handled this situation?