Day 03 - COVID 19-day Pickleball Fitness Challenge with Catherine Parenteau

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Day 03 Instructor:
Catherine Parenteau - @cathparenteau1994


Detailed instructional outline by @PickleballPhil

Man!!! Day 2 was awesome and I really felt the burn! Let’s Set aside ANOTHER 19 minutes to complete ANOTHER awesome challenge today! It’s cool to see the growth as a community and all the support you guys are giving each other! Remember, this is what Elevate is all about! It’s yours to improve your live through the community and be supported by others!

1. What are we doing

Today we are so blessed to have Catherine Parenteau as our instructor! She is one the top players in the world! It’s been fun to see her come into the came and really make noise! Catherine is going to take us through 6 awesome drills that will get our heart rate up and improve our leg strength and speed!

2. Why it works

Remember your brain is hardwired to function within routine and habits. Try to do your drills at the same time in your routine! High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is designed to get your heart rate up to a high level fast and for a short period of time. Keep up the good work guys!

3. How it relates to pickleball

Leg strength and power is so important in pickleball. Especially when it comes to squats because we spend so much time in this position. In fact, after the first two years of playing I started to have some pain in my knee and after going to a physical therapist friend I found out my hamstrings had shortened because I had played pickleball so much and was squatting so much. I immediately started stretching my hamstrings.

4. Outline & Demonstration

The activities are as follows: (Cone drills are 1-minute and the non-cone drills are 30 seconds.)

  1. (1 min) Square drill (with cones) going counter clockwise
  2. (30 sec) Lunges
  3. (1 min) Square drill clockwise
  4. (30 sec) Wall sits - this one kills!
  5. (1 min) Shuffle to the right; pretend forehand dink; shuffle to the left; pretend backhand dink
  6. (30 sec) Squats
    :heavy_plus_sign: Do all of this again a second time

5. Go & Do - Return & Report

Review how this fit in your day ALWAYS! Sometimes it takes multiple times of your routine to find out what you are willing to do consistently. Now, reply to this post and put your proof you completed the challenge! This is a GREAT video challenge for all of us to do that will help us improve our lives and ultimately work together towards a greater goal!

Modifications: don’t run backwards, turn and run forward again. wall sits don’t sit down as far

Reply below to “post your proof” yellow arrow down


Day 3 workout done sponsored by @cathparenteau1994 ! Thank you for the awesome workout! This one was not only tough but was fun with the dink visualization. I added more of that on my second round of square drills by adding some pretend dinks and drives at the corners.


DANG @cathparenteau1994!! my legs were burning today! That in addition to drilling dinks after the visualization was awesome! Thank you so much for giving us this awesome drill to use for improving our pickleball game! Guys, remember its all about finding that routine that you already have and then committing time within that routine in order to make it a habit!


The wall sits we’re the worst :sweat_smile:


Thank you Catherine, that was great! I haven’t done a wall sit since high school :grin:. I love all these great drills.


@Jmcshinsky and did this one in tandem.


You are welcome! Glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

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You are welcome!! Thank you for having me once again! Loved doing the video :slight_smile:

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Haha yes the wall sits are not easy!!

Nice job! You are welcome! Thank you for doing the workout :slight_smile: The wallsit is my favorite!!

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Awesome Job! Thank you for doing the workout! :slight_smile:

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Another fun workout! Thank you for taking the time to make the video for us. It was difficult for me not to keep a death grip on the paddle while shuffling back and forth. I will work on that.


Thank you for the great workout on day 3 @cathparenteau1994 ! I actually like wall sits (we do them in my fitness classes), it was the box shuffle that got me, but it was good! I held my paddle through all the drills, and at the end for the jog, I jogged in place hitting the pickleball we have hanging from the rafters :slight_smile: I like you, but my calves are not going to like you tomorrow :smiley: Have a great day!

Thank you @cathparenteau1994 for kicking my butt today! Thank you @PickleballPhil for putting this challenge together!


Well I can move my feet better now. If only I would stop hitting it into the net!


Awesome!! Good job! Thank you for sharing a pic of you while doing the workout :slight_smile: ! Yes make sure you keep that loose grip whenever you want to hit something soft (dink, 3rd shot drop, & block)!


Great Job!! Thank you for sharing a picture of you while doing the workout! Great looking paddle by the way :slight_smile: !

Wall sits are the best but they are not easy!! You might get sore a little but that’s a great thing!!


Of course! Thank you for doing the workout! Good job! :slight_smile:

Haha love it! Great job! :slight_smile: