Day 08 - COVID 19-day Pickleball Fitness Challenge with Rob Davidson

I am committed to this 19 day challenge even though I strained my QL (quadratus Lumborum) and was told to rest it for a few days. I just had to modify this workout a little. Even though I wasn’t able to squat very far, I did them quickly and still got a good quad burn. I also couldn’t hop side to side, but was able to step. And I used weights for the forearm exercise and it worked great! Thanks Rob!


During the workout

After the workout.

Thanks @roweda for the great living room workout!


When you don’t have time, and you don’t have weights, but you gotta get your workout in, you get it done! It is 8 o’clock at night, half an hour before my bedtime, we are in my sister’s backyard helping her with no time to spare cause the sun is setting, but I managed to squeak my workout in!! Don’t have any weights, so I used a heavy drill for my weights while squatting and for my grip exercise :joy: I think I am getting more and more creative with my workout equipment everyday :rofl: (Currently holding a ladder with one arm and posting this with my other- so that counts as extra arm workout!!!)


Stay safe, amiga!! Glad to see you pushing through. Just know that these routines weren’t strategically designed to do a great job taking care of your body, as you go. I’m so glad that you’re listening to your body and adjusting accordingly. I hope everyone is doing the same. It sounds like some are taking it easy, where they need to, which is great!

@Michelle’s exercise tomorrow is awesome!! but please keep listening to your body!


I love the Harry Potter collection! They used to be my favorite books until I read The Way of Kings. “Life before death, Strength before weakness, Journey before destination.”


I’m always happy to find another Stormlight Archive fan!


Sorry to hear about the injury @asktiffnow. Hope that you are able to heal quickly!


Thanks @jordan I will!

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Thanks @Joe_Zaleski I already feel less pain today and anticipate feeling normal by Monday, as long as I’m careful.

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The dedication is amazing haha! This just proves that not having the “right” equipment is a lame excuse! Sometimes you’ve just got to work with what you have available :slight_smile:

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Oh man those weighted squats are a burner haha! Thanks @roweda!

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@PickleballPhil Glad that you like our Harry Potter collection (puzzles and books in pic). To say that we are fans of Harry Potter at our house, may be an understatement. It is borderline religion. :nerd_face: I still need to read The Way of Kings.


I LOVE the storm light archives. The first oath of the windbreakers is a new slogan for me.

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Hi Crystal,

I bought mine from a local Big5 sporting goods store, but here is a link:



@roweda … what do you think about an off-brand like this, from Amazon…

I always wonder about Amazon products b/c some of the reviews for certain products are fudged.

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Thanks you for the information!