Setting aside ANOTHER 19 minutes to complete ANOTHER awesome challenge! We do this in order to grow together as a community and build habits that are going to keep us moving forward towards our ultimate goals! Today Megan is going to take us through 6 awesome drills that will get our hear rate up and really burn our thighs, calfs and arms.
2. Why it works
Remember your brain is hardwired to function within routine and habits. Try to do your drills at the same time in your routine! High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is designed to get your heart rate up to a high level fast and for a short period of time. I love the involvement of the pickleball gear in order to make it more focused on pickleball!
3. How it relates to pickleball
There are a lot of lateral and quick feet movements through this video and those are used ALL THE TIME in pickleball! I love adding the ball in the end in order to increase the eye hand coordination as well as engaging the core. When I work with a stroke patient the first skill we work on is their Trunk! Without it, they will never walk typically again!
4. Outline & Demonstration
The activities are as follows: Figure 8, double feet jump, V sprints, jump rope, mountain climbers, and high plank! You complete the first four drills for 1-minute straight and the last two for 30 seconds each. Take a minute break and do it again!
5. Go & Do - Return & Report
Review how this fit in your day ALWAYS! Sometimes it takes multiple times of your routine to find out what you are willing to do consistently. Now, reply to this post and put your proof you completed the challenge! This is a GREAT video challenge for all of us to do that will help us improve our lives and ultimately work together towards a greater goal!
Man!! Today was brutal! I loved it so much and am so grateful for @Megcharity for providing us with this awesome challenge! Here is my video for completing the challenge today! Lets do this guys!!
@SarahSmith567 you need to upload your video to Instagram or YouTube and then post the link here in order for it to work! Good job on today’s challenge!!!
After a big 6 mile mountain bike ride this morning I came back to this workout knowing I had to go the extra mile. I elected to choose ankle weights as well as weighted jump rope handles and tall post to make sure I wasn’t cutting corners. What an amazing HIT workout and looking forward to tomorrow’s!!!